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Recorded Talk.tiff


eDSBS presentation 2020. On the 21st of August, 2020, I presented the work entitled 'Genetic diversity, gene flow and hybridization in fan-shaped demosponges (Phakellia spp.) in the northeast Atlantic deep sea' at the Deep-Sea Biology Society Symposium.

The recorded talk can be watched here.



Nature Live Show 2018. Nature Live show at the Natural History Museum of London, 25 November 2018. In the interview, Dr Ana Riesgo and Dr Sergi Taboada explain all about a curious relationship between a carnivorous sponge and its symbiotic worm.

Findings were published in the scientific journal Deep-Sea Research I



NHM video highlight 2018. Video highlight about our work about the relationship between a carnivorous sponge and its symbiotic worm. Findings were published in the scientific journal Deep-Sea Research I


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La Nueva España 2020. News highlight about the discovery of a new species of Antarctic sponge. Findings were published in the journal Polar Biology



NHM highlight 2018. News highlight about our work about the realtionship between a carnivorous sponge and its symbiotic worm. Findings were published in the scientific journal Deep-Sea Research I

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